Writing: my job

Writing: my job

A continuación os voy a poner un ejemplo de redacción, en la que se te pide que escribas sobre tu profesión.

What do you do? Write about your job.


                                                                                      WHAT DO I DO?

I work as an English teacher. I don’t work outside, I work inside, in a Language School. I work in the afternoon and evening in the school and in the morning at home and sometimes I work at the weekend.

I work with computers, I use my computer to teach my students. I have a lot of students. I teach two different levels, basic 1 and intermediate 2.

I have special qualifications and I speak foreign languages. I speak and teach English. I study other languages, for example, German, Arabic and Italian. I like languages!

I don’ t travel when I work and I don’t drive. I don’t wear a uniform and I don’t earn a lot of money.

I love my job because teaching and languages are my passion.

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  1. Hello, my name is Yurleydys, and I am from colombia, I am thirty three year old. at this moment I work as english teacher in an elementary school. I teach english and spanish.

    1. Hello Yurleydys,
      thank you for following us.
      Let me take this opportunity to invite you to follow us on Instagram: @lawebdelingles.
      Kind Regards from Spain.

  2. hi am juan and i am from colombia I like the maths and the english but i dont have 18 so i cant have yob but i learn a lot in my class and my job that I want is for a computers assistant and be a better person, in the school I love all the subjetcts but the math subject I hate it because is very boring

    I want to know english to travel to usa and have a lot of new oportunities

    1. Hello Juan,
      en la Web del Inglés contamos con un Servicio de Corrección de Writings donde te podemos ayudar a mejorar tu nivel escrito en inglés. Aquí está la información, por su fuera de tu interés: http://www.lawebdelingles.com/te-corrijo-tu-writing/
      Además, te invitamos a que nos sigas en Instagram, donde ponemos cosas relacionadas con el inglés muy chulas. Nos puedes encontrar por @lawebdelingles.
      Saludos desde España,

    • SANTIAGO MEDEROS el 22 septiembre, 2018 a las 0:18
    • Responder


    I am Santiago, I am from Colombia,I am 11 years old. I student, I study in (Agustiniano Norte ) I am in fifth grade, I play basketball with my friends.
    My favorite subjet is physical education because I love sports like soccer, frisbee and basketball. I hate English subject because in my school the class is so boring, but in general I like my school.
    I would like to learn English because in U.S. the people speak a lot of English and I want to travel there.


  3. Hi , im remedios cortes .
    Actualy i work in the kitchen as chef the partie on 1 year and half. i make everyday pizzas and desert
    i dont like the kitchen work but i work there because i need the money. sometimes the kitchen is a realy hard place for work . i am think in change the job but now my english is not realy good for that but i hope one day my point come soon !!

    1. Hola, Reme:
      en la Web del Inglés contamos con un Servicio de Corrección de Writings para ayudar a los lectores a preparar exámenes oficiales y a mejorar su nivel de writing. Aquí tiene la información por si fuera de su interés: http://lawebdelingles.com/te-corrijo-tu-writing.
      Gracias por seguirnos y un saludo,

    • Noelia el 28 abril, 2016 a las 20:01
    • Responder


    Hello my name is Noelia, i work as an Customer Support in a carriage of fast food. I have been worked there for 3 years ago, i started to work when i was 16 years old it’s my father’s business, it’s really an important experience for me, earn money, it has teaching me a lot on those years. I love my work so much, also i work too with my grandmother she’s my partner in this job, together we make a excellent work, and people is satisfied with us, i’m glad to work with my father.

    I only work at the weekends, as i have time for study my career English Teacher, i’m very happy with my decisions, all i want is work and study for learn more and get experiences when i get adult, i would live alone and be independent.

    Love your work, this really helps me a lot!!

    1. Hola Noelia,
      si necesitas ayuda con tus writings, la Web del Inglés cuenta con un servicio de corrección de writings, donde se corrigen writings con explicaciones y aclaraciones para el alumno. Si te interesa, no dudes en consultarnos en info@lawebdelingles.com
      Un saludo

      • Tuchico el 28 agosto, 2016 a las 2:50
      • Responder

      Hola Noelia…. he leido tu escrito.

      Yo pondría «I only work on the weekends» sustituyendo on en vez de at, es más correcto.
      Además…. as I have time TO study. No pongas for ahi que no suena diver.

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